Great Place To WorkGreat Place To Work


AffiliationBharathiar University
Duration of the CourseTwo Years (four semesters).
EligibilityGraduates of any discipline can apply for MCA admission provided they should have taken at least one paper in Mathematics or Statistics in +2 or degree.
How to Apply?Application forms can be procured from the Admissions Office by sending a demand draft for Rs.300 drawn in favour of KGiSL Institute of Information Management payable at Coimbatore. Alternatively you may also download the application form from Applicants need to pay Rs. 300 by DD at the time of filing the downloaded application form.
Important Dates & DeadlinesLast date for filing the application will be intimate.
Selection CriteriaAdmission to MCA programme is based on performance in Admission Test, Academic Marks, and Interview


In addition to the above fees, students need to pay Examination Fee to the University every semester. The Examination Fee, amounting to approximately Rs.2500, is payable during the middle of every semester.


Semester Paper Int Ext Total
First Semester Paper I : Java Programming 25 75 100
Paper II Relational Database Management Systems RDBMS 25 75 100
Paper III Computer Networks 25 75 100
Paper IV Operating Systems 25 75 100
Elective I 25 75 100
Practical I : Java Programming Lab 40 60 100
Practical II : RDBMS with ORACLE Lab 40 60 100
Second Semester Paper V : Datamining and Big Data Analytics 25 75 100
Paper VI : .NET Programming 25 75 100
Paper VII : Operations Research 25 75 100
Paper VIII : Software Project Management 25 75 100
Elective II 25 75 100
Practical III :DataminingLab 40 60 100
.Practical IV : NET Programming Lab 40 60 100
Practical V: Web Application Development and Hosting 20 30 50
Third Semester Paper IX : PHP Programming 25 75 100
Paper X : Software Testing 25 75 100
Paper XI :Network Security and Cryptography 25 75 100
Paper XII : Cloud Computing 25 75 100
Elective III 25 75 100
Practical VI : PHP Programming Lab 40 60 100
Practical VII : Software Testing Lab 40 60 100
Practical VIII : Mini Project 100
FOURTH SEMESTER Main Project 500 150 200
Online Course
#Job oriented Certificate course 2
Semester Elective Paper Int Ext Tot
I Elective I Artificial Intelligence and ExpertSystems 25 75 100
Mobile Computing 25 75 100
Distributed Computing 25 75 100
Embedded Systems 25 75 100
II ElectiveII
Web Services 25 75 100
Middleware Technologies 25 75 100
Information RetrievalTechniques 25 75 100
Internet ofThings 25 75 100
III Elective III Python Programming 25 75 100
Digital Image Processing 25 75 100
Neural Networks 25 75 100
Advancements in Industry4.0 25 75 100

Admission Enquiry
